My life is changing again, and though it feels unsettling, I know it is just another unfolding into who I am...but today it is a beautiful day today. The sky is a perfect blue, the crocus heads have opened to the Spring sunshine, and I have a whole day to spend in quiet reflection. Which is good, because recently life has been full and there has been little time to simply be.
On Valentine's Day, I hosted the Wild Women Love Fest - bringing together poets, musicians, dancers and dreamers in a celebration of love. And what a celebration it was. There was wonderful music from local young artists Rob Heron, Paddy Rogan and Jack Hartley, as well as sensual bellydance from Kara Steele, and the fabulous poetry of longtime Wild Woman and friend, Gill Hands. It was a whole evening of 'making love' the creative way and it refreshed the senses and spirit.
One of the guests at the event was the poet Inua Ellams. We met 2 years ago when we both performed at Glastonbury Festival (yep, in the MUD!) and at that time, his sheer force of passion and beauty blew me away, and I promised to find a way of getting him up here to share his poetry with the people of Cumbria. On Valentine's Night that wish came true. As I listened to him perform, and felt his words move me, I got to thinking about the way our lives cross with others, of how we grow and learn and love more through the connections we make, and how poetry, at least for me, is such an expression of that journey. And I realised again, how important it is to be willing to take the leap into the Fool's Path.
So - what is it I am trying to say? What is it I am trying to hear myself?
Follow your heart and take the adventures with joy. Like Rumi said, Kiss the ground in your own way and seek belonging within yourself, for all else is transient. As we are in many ways.
On Valentine's Day, I hosted the Wild Women Love Fest - bringing together poets, musicians, dancers and dreamers in a celebration of love. And what a celebration it was. There was wonderful music from local young artists Rob Heron, Paddy Rogan and Jack Hartley, as well as sensual bellydance from Kara Steele, and the fabulous poetry of longtime Wild Woman and friend, Gill Hands. It was a whole evening of 'making love' the creative way and it refreshed the senses and spirit.
One of the guests at the event was the poet Inua Ellams. We met 2 years ago when we both performed at Glastonbury Festival (yep, in the MUD!) and at that time, his sheer force of passion and beauty blew me away, and I promised to find a way of getting him up here to share his poetry with the people of Cumbria. On Valentine's Night that wish came true. As I listened to him perform, and felt his words move me, I got to thinking about the way our lives cross with others, of how we grow and learn and love more through the connections we make, and how poetry, at least for me, is such an expression of that journey. And I realised again, how important it is to be willing to take the leap into the Fool's Path.
So - what is it I am trying to say? What is it I am trying to hear myself?
Follow your heart and take the adventures with joy. Like Rumi said, Kiss the ground in your own way and seek belonging within yourself, for all else is transient. As we are in many ways.
"I would love to live like a river flows,
carried by the surprise of its own unfolding"
(John Donahue)
carried by the surprise of its own unfolding"
(John Donahue)
Wherever they lead you will unfold something new. But do not get too trapped in the superficial glitter, it is all smoke and mirrors. Remember, imagination is the key to develop your sense of who you are. Give time for your relationship with your inner world, the true who of who you are...Let your own light shine, and fear nothing. Enter the mystery - the mystery that lights your own soul-fire, that brings together lovers, that places the pen on the paper and spills the heart onto the page. Never be afraid to love, never be restricted in your heart or conceal your own infinite beauty. Sometimes we must take the longest journey to arrive at what has been nearest all along - your self:-)
Once you stand on the true ground of who you are, nothing can shake you. I think Nelson Mandela said it so well, in his often quoted speech:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Actually, who are you are not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us... as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." (Nelson Mandela)
I believe our paths cross as part of this - the unfolding of our ancient identity.