Monday, August 14, 2006

Thirteen Wild Ways

I thought I would share with you my personal, daily guide to living 'wild', developed over the years as I have trodden the Fool's path. At last writing, the list seemed to find itself at 13 (the magical number of the goddess) but I am sure it will keep growing...Number One: step off.

The Blissfool personal guide to having cake and eating it...

1. Be...foolish
the fool is the adventurer who steps off the ledge. Be willing to take that first step - it teaches you how to fly! And we all know...without the fool, the journey cannot begin!

2. Be...OK
just do what you can do and forgive yourself the messy bits in between.

3. Be...happy
doing more of what gives you pleasure and love really does make you happy! So give up postponing happiness 'til tomorrow, or putting on that martyred yoke and enjoy life. Live it with boldness and beauty.

4. Be...honest
with yourself, with others, with life.

5. Be...generous
love increases the more you give it. Try not to hoard it, hide it or harangue it - the bigger your heart, the more love it can receive - same goes for money, pleasure, anything (remember to give yourself the same big love!)

6. Be...courageous
in loving, living and creating.

7. Be...expressive
creative and spontaneous expression unlocks the spirit. It helps us to understand who we are and what our own experience is all about. Do not hide your voice - each individual voice makes up the collective heartbeat of the earth.

8. Be...playful
who said growing up means giving up? Try to maintain that idealism and enthusiasm of innocence. Ok, so life can hurt like bloody hell at times but soul suicide is not the answer. The more you remember to play, the more you will be able to live and learn through the hard times.

in your body, mind and spirit. Celebrate your sex, your voice, your dreams. Enjoy your body, the world around you, the beauty and sensuality of living. Celebrate yourself!

10. Be...powerful
power comes from taking charge of your own destiny, your own day-to-day, your own place in the world. So, don't say you can't do something because someone/thing says it is impossible. If you have a dream, take action and if you think the world is unfair, unkind etc. then take creative steps to change it now. Anything is possible!

11. Be...responsible
not advocating a Christ-like burden here but simply saying that if each of us takes positive responsibility for our own lives, things change for the better. You can't live your life martyred to another person, thing or cause (well, you can but...) but you can be responsible for ensuring that at least in your life you act as much as possible from a place of love and respect - for each other, yourself and the earth you live on. This world can be a better place just by you being in it.

12. Be... you
that is the wildest thing you can do. Don't wait for someone else to give you the seal of approval - give it to yourself.

13. Be...well, just be
there are a lot of people and things in this world that tell us to hurry up, push on, keep going. We soak up rules and regulations until we are so restricted we can't move. Try giving it up for a moment. Most things that feel impossible start to feel a whole lot easier when you relax. So next time you are run ragged, fearing failure, or simply saying it can't be done - sit back, listen to the birds, watch the clouds roll by...


Gill said...

14. Be Vik!!

Ruth said...

I really like these 13 coomandments Vik, because they are all positive - so different from the ten `shalt nots'!