Saturday, March 08, 2008


Django sleeps for a moment. The sun shines. I take valuable sleep time to write poems. Ah well, that is the way...

here is today's offering. Number 157 in my growing collection...

Poem 157

I have stood to the line and said

For this I will die.

I will rip myself apart to give you life.

I will give more than I knew

my heart contained only hours ago.

For this, I will give and give and give:

The strange dawn peace of your face

as sleep steals you, takes you to the land

of dreams you have yet to discover,

cloud-racing across your eyelids;

your fists as they ball and let go;

your barely audible breath of life

that I shouted into you.

You took my heart in that first bloodied kiss

when I cried out with exhaustion:

I did this – my god, I did this.

(c. Victoria Bennett, 2008)


Gill said...

strong and beautiful

Debi Ireland said...

Powerful and beautiful words Vic, your are the most amazing poet! It made me cry, in a good way though...!
I see Django has been quite and inspiration, I hope there will be a new book coming soon with more of these wonderful and sensitive words. Every mother should read them. Wee Django looks a gorgeous wee fella !

Ruth said...

I love this poem Vik - it captures the real essence of what it means to be a mother.

Julie said...

Made me cry too Vik (in a good and knowing way) this poem sums up the very essence of child birth & motherhood, i am going to go and give my sleeping children a cuddle xxx